Monday 25 April 2016

10 Easy And beautyfull Mehndi Designs

1. We love this simple yet pretty mehendi design. The design slightly leans towards the traditional side. The shades and the motifs used for the mehndi are basically very simple. This will be apt for any occasion and will make your hands look full without actually filling it up entirely.
2. If you need a simple design with very less motifs and which is basically restricted to just the back of your hand, try this super chic design. The design in the middle of both hands is quite easy to do and looks simple enough for any occasion. It will suit women of any age. You can also display this mehndi design  on your palms.
3. The back of the hand is beautifully decorated using this design that has very few, yet pretty motifs. The design covers most of the space on the hands yet does not look cluttered and the design on the ring finger is what makes this design specially appropriate for an engagement.

4. We know you love mehandi clad feet so how about donning this pretty and unique style? The spiral designs look very unique and beautiful and this design will suit any occasion. Even brides may do this design on their feet. There are small details in the design which make it look very simple yet elegant. The predominant spiral design can be customized to give a fuller look.

5. This unique mehandi design for the feet just stole our hearts. The complete sole of the feet is decorated using lavish designs. The look is very bridal but at the same time can be used on any occasion. Though it is rare for one to apply mehndi on the sole of their feet, this can be a super cool way to adorn your feet. You can use any type of mehendi. This will look especially good on a bride as during the wedding there is a great deal of attention on the bride’s feet and it is often photographed.

6. Want a mehndi tattoo design for the feet which can be done quickly? A simple design for the feet like this one will look just perfect with any outfit. Wear it with some nice ballerinas and you will have the world under your feet! The shaded flower on the design is very unique as we hardly see a whole design shaded in traditional mehndi motifs. The shading has also been done using mehndi .

7. If you want a nice design for the engagement ceremony, you may want to consider this one. The design in the middle is quite intricate yet does not look cluttered – and highlights the ring finger. This design will suit any kind of occasion.

8. If elaborate designs are not your forte and you like simpler designs better, then this simple mehandi design is for you. It is extremely simple with no intricate or small patterns or motifs. The design looks very pretty and clutter-free.

9. This design is apt for the bride if she loves simple designs. The fingers are nicely highlighted and the back of the hands are also decorated with patterns.

10. Love glitter and stones? Then try this modern mehndi design which looks great on brides – and the bridesmaids as well. The use of stones and beads makes the design look unique as well as gives one the freedom to manipulate it according to one’s outfit. The crystal bindis add a whole new level of charm and bling to the design.

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Sunday 24 April 2016

Hair Care - After-Care for Colored or Chemically-Treated Hair

I often get approached by women who have had color treatments, permed hair, or straightening services and want to know the best way to care for their chemically-treated hair in order to restore its condition and preserve the new style or color. Naturally, I always suggest that the individual follow any and all instructions given them by their stylists, but in some cases, the individual has performed services herself and needs the advice. So, here is some basic care advice for the most common chemical services.

After-Color Care

As with any chemical service, the components used in the hair coloring process can leave the hair more porous than it was prior to coloring the hair. This is because the alkaline products used to allow the color to penetrate the hair shaft, and deposit the color, do so by lifting the cuticle layer of the hair. While the processes are generally designed to be as gentle to the hair as possible, while still being effective, the results are still that the hair is typically swelled and the cuticle raised by the processing.

This means that while the hair is made better able to accept the deposited color, it is also more likely to lose moisture and can slowly lose the added color unless care is taken to reseal the cuticle.

This means that after you've colored your hair, you should take care to use a good moisturizing cream conditioner. This will help to maintain the hair's moisture level, and will help to smooth the cuticle layer and ease any problems with porosity. This is especially true if you have used a high-lift color or bleaching agents to lighten the hair.

Additionally, if you have chosen a hair color that is particularly vibrant, such as many red shades or golden blondes, you will want to use a color-enhancing/color-preserving shampoo and conditioner formula in order to help keep your haircolor looking as rich as possible for as long as possible. Under normal circumstances, most of the more vibrant hair colors will gradually fade somewhat after regular shampooing and environmental stresses.

For most color-treated hair, I recommend a weekly deep conditioning treatment, in order to help rehydrate the hair and restore any moisture that may be lost during the week's styling.

After-Texture Services

Chemical Texture Services, such as chemical straightening and permanent wave servicescan be even harsher on the hair than some color services, and therefore require that the individual take special care of her hair afterward. The chemical services definitely leave the hair in a much more porous state and the hair must be well-conditioned to keep it healthy and manageable.

In the case of some over-stressed hair, where there are signs of damage, you will need to use a protein-rich conditioner in order to help restore the strength and integrity of the hair while adding in much-needed moisture. Furthermore, since the hair's cuticle layer is usually raised and left open by the chemical processing, you need to make sure to use a good smoothing serum, which will coat the hair shaft and help to smooth and seal the cuticle layer to hold in moisture and allow the hair to retain a smooth and silky feel.

When the hair is dirty, you need to shampoo it with a very gentle, moisturizing shampoo, and always follow it up with a hydrating conditioner. Remember, that you only need to shampoo the hair when it becomes soiled, in most cases, you can simply use a rinse-through conditioner to remove the amount of soil that accumulates on the hair on a daily basis. This serves the dual purpose of hydrating the hair and refreshing it.

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Thursday 21 April 2016

How To Improve Your Posture | Causes, Exercises & Correct Stretching Techniques

Why is Posture Important?

Over time, the human body has evolved to be as efficient as possible, to help with movement through to the way the internal organs do their jobs.  Poor posture changes the alignment of bones, muscles and connective tissue, and therefore your movements are not as efficient as they could be.
Poor posture leads to uneven stress being placed through muscles and simultaneously, some muscles will be weakened, while opposing muscles will feel very tight.  Not only will this lead to potential difficulties in completing certain movements, but there are also more serious long-term health issues that may arise.
Posture can affect internal organs within your rib cage, and therefore breathing and digestion can be affected by a poor posture – for example being slouched in a chair makes it much harder to take a deep breath than if you were stood up straight.
Your body is built to adapt to its surroundings, and if you keep your joints in the same position all day, your body will soon adapt to this new position, and will cause a postural change.  Injuries may affect posture, particularly if placed in a cast for a few weeks, however spending extended periods of time in any position, may cause postural changes.  For this reason, office workers are particularly susceptible to poor posture.  The good news however, is that a mixture of stretches and strengthening exercises can often help to correct a poor posture.

#1 Rounded Shoulders

Being sat at a desk with your arms forward (typing/writing), and too many ‘pushing’ exercises and not enough ‘pulling’ exercises.
These both lead to tight chest muscles, and weak upper back muscles, which causes your shoulders to hunch forward (internally rotate).
>> The Pencil Test

✓ Holding a pencil in each hand, stand up straight and let your arms hang naturally by your sides.  In a good posture, the pencils should be pointing directly forward, however with rounded shoulders, the pencils will be turned towards each other.
 Aim to strengthen the upper back, so exercises that engage your rhomboids, mid to lower-trapezius and rotator cuff muscle group.  Exercises could include seated row, reverse flyes, and external shoulder rotations on a cable machine.
Rounded shoulders are linked with tight chest muscles so this should be the focus of your stretches and some examples are included below.
1) Link your hands together behind your back, and slowly raise your arms up until you feel a light stretch across your chest.
2) To stretch right and left pec major muscles separately, stand near a wall, and extend your arm with the palm against the wall behind you as shown below.  As you gently turn your body away from your hand, you should feel a stretch in your pectoralis major.
3) To target the pec minor, find a corner of a room or doorway, and make right angles with your elbows.  Elbows should be around shoulder height, and then gently tilt your upper body downwards until you feel a stretch across your pec minor, which is near your armpit.

#2 Forward Head

 Forward head is often accompanied by round shoulders too, and it comes from spending a lot of time leaning your head forward, such as leaning towards a screen. It is rapidly being known as ‘text neck’ as more and more people are developing this from looking down at phones hundreds of times throughout the day.
 Holding your phone higher can help, as can raising your computer screen to eye-level.
Ideally, from a side-on view, the middle of the shoulder should be in line with the middle of the ear.  This can be examined through a photo as shown below, with the image on the left being normal posture, and on the right showing signs of forward head.
 Similar exercises to round shoulders, to try and strengthen the rhomboids and trapezius including pulling movements such as rows.
 Ensure you keep your head up and a flat back throughout the movements to strengthen key postural muscles.

Again, loosening off the chest using the previous stretches, and alternatively a foam roller as shown below, by positioning the foam roller up the length of the spine and gently letting your arms rest outwards.
1) To target your scalene, place one arm behind your back, and then gently tilt your head in the opposite direction, and slowly roll back until a stretch is felt.
2) The stretch for your sternocleidomastoid is similar, to stretch the left hand side, tilt your head to bring your right ear closer to your shoulder, and then gently rotate your head to the left so you end up looking upwards.  These two stretches should be done while seated to avoid you tilting your whole body while stretching.
3) All of these stretches should be held for 20-30 seconds, and repeated for each side.  These can be done at your desk throughout the day.

#3 Anterior Pelvic Tilt

 Spending a lot of time sat down can over time can cause your hip flexors at the front of your hip to shorten, and your hip extensors (at the back) to weaken.  The result of this is that your hips naturally rotate forward slightly when standing, accentuating the curve in your lower back, and making your backside and stomach stick out.  Anterior pelvic tilt is also commonly seen in cyclists as a lot of their training is done with their hip in a flexed position.
Stand with your back to a wall, and look at the space between the wall and your lower back.  It is normal for a slight gap (enough to fit your hand through) as your lower back natural curves, as shown in the left photo, however anterior pelvic tilt can lead to an excessive lumbar curve in the spine, and the space between spine and the wall will be greater as shown in the photo on the right.
Typically the weak muscles in anterior pelvic tilt will be the hamstrings and glutes.
 To strengthen these muscles, exercises should include hamstring curls, deadlifts, kickbacks and hip thrusters.
To stretch of the hip flexors, take a lunge position with the back knee resting on the floor, and ankle, knee and hip joints all at right angles.  From this position, gently try to rotate your hips upwards, and a stretch should be felt in your quad in your back leg.
 An alternate quad stretch is to lie on your side, and use your hand to pull one foot back, keeping your knees in line.  From this position, gently push your hips forward, until a quad stretch is felt in your bent leg.  Both of these stretches should be held for 20-30 seconds and repeated on both sides.  Finally, stretching the hip adductors may also help, so sit on the floor and place the soles of your feet together.  Using your hands, pull your feet closer to your body, and use your elbows to slowly push your knees outwards.  The stretch should be felt in your groin area, and held for 20 seconds.

#4 Tight Calves

Wearing high heels regularly can cause your calf muscles to get shorter, as they will adapt to always being in a shortened position.  Wearing heels has the same effect as walking on your toes all day, and consequently I’ve seen workers who find it more comfortable to walk in heels than in flats.

Sit on a chair, and lift your legs out straight in front of you, and pull your toes back towards as far as they can go.  Ideally your toes should point 10-20 degrees beyond a right angle (left photo), however with tight calves, a person may struggle to even reach a right angle.
 The muscle opposing the calf muscles in the tibialis anterior, so a strengthening exercise may include lying down, attaching a resistance band to the foot, and pull your toes up towards you, however if you’re pushed for time, I’ve found calf stretches to be more effective.
Roll the length of your calf up and down a foam roller.  If there are any particularly tender places, then keep the foam roller in that position for a few seconds until the pain subsides.  To target different angles, you can rotate your leg as your use the roller.  Your calf muscles include the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, and each has a slightly different technique to stretch them.  For the gastrocnemius, press against a wall and keep your back knee straight, and push your back heel into the floor.  To get a stronger stretch, move your back leg further away from the wall.  For the soleus, keep the similar position, however bend your back knee and then push your heel into the floor.  The stretch should be felt in the back leg, but slightly lower than the gastrocnemius stretch.  Hold stretches for 20-30 seconds and repeat for both sides.


If you are worried about any of these postural issues discussed in this article, it is often possible to identify to see them either in the mirror or by getting someone to take a photo of you from an angle that you can’t see.  It is important that you adopt your natural posture during diagnosis, and don’t just put on the perfect posture for 20 seconds and then go back to normal.
Have a go at the stretches and exercises as prescribed, and if you are still concerned, a personal trainer or physiotherapist will be able to give you a thorough postural examination to investigate.  To help stop bad posture from developing, don’t spend too long sat in one position, and get up and walk up and down the hall throughout the day.
Every hour just remind yourself what good posture is, and make sure you’re in a good position rather than slouching, or hanging your head too far forward.

Take Home Messages

 Poor posture makes movement less efficient, can increase your risk of injury and can have serious long-term health consequences.
 Poor posture often arises from keeping joints in the same position for extended periods of time, so sedentary jobs in particular can lead to more postural problems.
 Poor posture can often be corrected by stretching tight muscles, and strengthening weak opposing muscles.
 Ensuring proper form during exercise can help to strengthen postural muscles and frequent stretching can help reduce the negative effects of tight muscles.
 Use mirrors or photos to examine your posture, and if you are concerned go and see a physiotherapist or personal trainer.

Monday 18 April 2016

Side-Effects of Face Waxing

Face waxing is defined as removal unwanted hair from face by using waxing method. Waxing the facial hair is not considered as very good practice. Facial hair removal includes various methods such as threading, bleaching, laser treatments or electrolysis but waxing is one of the common method. Face waxing has many advantages of waxing but along with benefits it also has disadvantages or side effects.
• Face waxing gives you more pain because it is one of the most delicate and sensitive part of body.
• Face waxing many times gives redness to skin or red bumps on face.
• Face waxing also gives some blood patches after waxing because during waxing not only hair but thin skin layer is also detached from face.
• Another drawback is face waxing may lead infection, skin diseases or allergic reaction.
• Improper way of face waxing can responsible for skin irritation and skin burn.
• All face hair is not removed in single stoke. So you have to repeat waxing procedure for several times for complete hair removal.
• Depending on hair growth rate, after specific days you have to do waxing repetitively.
• Face waxing may lead to pimples and rash. Regular waxing can also lead to ingrowths.
• Each and every time face waxing does not remove facial hair from the root so it may give rise to ingrown hairs.
• After face waxing you have limit for going outdoor for at least 24 hours.
• Some people may show some discoloration because of waxing.
• Some area of face like upper lip is difficult to wax.
Precaution for Face waxing
If following precaution is followed then it reduces most of the adverse effect and gives you smooth and hair free skin.
• Before applying wax on face test it on other small area of body for any negative reaction.
• Apply very thin and even layer of wax in opposite direction of hair growth.
• If you are taking treatment for acne, retinols or accutane then avoid waxing because it make your skin layer thin. After finishing treatment, take advice from doctor and you can start waxing again.
• An hour before waxing you may take pain relief medication to reduce pain.
• Avoid the sun immediately after waxing and please wear sun screen; recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation (permanent darkening of the skin) if exposed to the sun.
• Avoid heavy exercise for at least 10 hours after waxing.
• Avoid tight clothing after waxing, especially in the waxed areas. Tight clothing may result in irritation and ingrown hairs

The Disadvantages of Wax Hair Removal

•  It’s painful. Although everybody has a different pain threshold, waxing hair from the body, undeniably hurts! Whilst some people can handle the pain, for others it means waxing is a no-no method of removing unwanted body hair.

•  Waxing usually causes a red rash to immediately appear, although this disappears an hour or so later.

•  For waxing to be able to achieve optimum results, the hair should be at least one centimeter in length. It is therefore advisable to refrain from repeating the process for at least six weeks to allow the hair to grow long enough – a request that puts off those wanting permanent hair free and silky smooth bodies.

•  Whilst the potential side effects are relatively minimal with waxing, one possible hazard is ingrown hairs. They can occur when hair, instead of being pulled off by the wax, break off under the skin and the skin becomes inflamed when re-growth starts.

The Hot versus Cold Debate

Cold wax does essentially the same job as hot wax but involves using pre-coated wax strips. Whilst cold wax strips are less messy than hot wax, most testimonies report that they are not as effective as hot wax, as they often leave some hair still attached to the skin.

Because hot wax moulds onto the skin and grips at each individual hair more tightly than cold wax strips, hot wax treatments are better at removing shorter hair. Given this fact, hot wax is the best option for removing hair from areas people do not allow to grow back, such as the upper lip or the chin. Many reports about waxing affirm that hot wax causes less reddening of the skin than cold wax, therefore making it a preferable option for those who have sensitive skin.

One disadvantage of hot wax over cold, is because it is a fairly messy procedure, waxing large areas with hot wax should be left to the experts and because of the mess and difficultness of hot wax treatments, cold wax strips tend to be a more popular waxing method at home.

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Sunday 10 April 2016

Facial Exercises: Face Yoga Is Here And THIS Is What You Need To Know

The downward-facing dog - great for the mind, body and soul - but how about some yoga for the face? We asked face yoga expert Danielle Collins to teach us her simple facial exercise regime, which helps lift, firm, tone and reduce wrinkles. Try this easy 20-minute routine, six times a week.

Firstly, it's hailed as a non-invasive alternative to Botox and surgery, but how exactly will doing facial exercises help banish fine lines, sagging and wrinkles? 

Danielle says: 'The exercises work the hypodermis or the lower layer of the skin, the dermis or the middle layer and the epidermis or the upper layer. 

'By working all these layers correctly it will increase the blood circulation, allowing more oxygen and more nourishment to reach the cells of the skin. The result is a clear, healthy complexion with a beautiful glow which has less toxins and has a better ability to absorb moisture.'

The techiniques are also designed to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the middle layer of the skin giving you a smoother, more supple, tighter-looking skin. 

Danielle recommends that you do the facial exercises for 20 minutes, six times a week. It may seem like a lot, but you'll see results quickly. 'Everyone has different faces so the time it takes to see changes varies from person to person,' says Danielle. 'As a general rule you will start to see more of a long term improvement in your face and neck after two weeks. After 2-4 months, you will notice you have less fine lines and less tension and people will notice you look healthier and more energised. Within 6-9 months people have reported that they look and feel many years younger and feel more relaxed within themselves
Here are five facial exercises from The Danielle Collins Face Yoga Method to get you started: 

1. The V

Good For: Drooping eyelids, crow's feet, eye bags and puffiness.
Alternative To: Botox and eye surgery.
Step 1: Press both middle fingers together at the inner corner of the eyebrows, then with the index fingers, apply pressure to the outer corners of the eyebrows.

Step 2: Look to the ceiling, and raise the lower eyelids upwards to make a strong squint, and then relax.

Step 3: Repeat six more times and finish by squeezing eyes shut tightly for 10 seconds

2. The Smile Smoother

Good For: Cheek lines and sagging skin.
Alternative To: Lower face lift and fillers.

Step 1: Hide the teeth with the lips to make an 'O' shape with the mouth.

Step 2: Smile widely while keeping the teeth hidden and repeat six times.

Step 3: Next, hold the smile shape while placing one index finger on the chin. Then start to move the jaw up and down as the head tilts gently back. Relax and repeat twice more.

3. Smooth The Brow

Good For: Horizontal forehead lines.
Alternative To: Botox.

Step 1: Place both hands on the forehead facing inwards and spread all of the fingers out between the eyebrows and hairline.

Step 2: Gently sweep the fingers outwards across the forehead, applying light pressure to tighten the skin.

Step 3: Relax and repeat 10 times.

4. The Flirty Eyes

Good For: Deep eye hollows and drooping eye brows.
Alternative To: Eyebrow lift.

Step 1: Place an index finger under each eye, pointing towards the nose.

Step 2: Hide the teeth and tease the top lip and bottom lip away from each other at the the mouth.

Step 3: Flutter the upper eyelids while gazing at the ceiling for 30 seconds.

5. The Giraffe

Good For: Lines and loose skin on the neck.
Alternative To: Neck lift and jowl lift.

Step 1: Looking straight ahead, place the finger tips at the bottom of the neck and lightly stroke the skin downwards with the head tilted back.

Step 2: Bring the head back down to the chest and repeat twice more.

Step 3: Finally, jut the lower lip out as far as possible to pull the corners of the mouth down and place finger tips on the collarbone with the chin pointed upwards. Hold for four deep breaths.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Why Pakistan's singing angel Taher Shah has taken the internet by storm

He's the Pakistani singer with a huge cult following. Some would say Taher Shah has taken the phrase not giving a damn to a whole new level.
The release of his new video on Friday caused such a social media frenzy that #TaherShah was trending on Twitter in both Pakistan, India and the UK.
Over 30,000 tweets have been posted since the song Angel was released.

At first glance the video appears to be a parody, or part of an elaborate sketch in which we laugh with the artist not at him, but this is no joke. Taher Shah says he is a serious artist and has previously described his internet fame as a humbling experience.

The song's simple lyrics, "I am like an angel, mankind's angel, lonely for you" have captured the attention of social media users, generating a number of memes simultaneously both mocking Taher's talent, and praising his confidence.

It's not the first time the businessman from Karachi in Pakistan, who is known for his long hair and unconventional costumes, has turned his hand to making music. His first release Eye to Eye propelled him into the world of online fame in 2013.
With over 45,000 Twitter followers there is no doubt that Shah has gained a sizeable cult following.
Angel shows the tiara wearing singer dressed in a purple robe on a hilltop, singing in English about the virtues of peace. It also features his son dressed in a matching robe.
Perhaps the combination of Taher's eccentricity and the song's simple message is the reason why Bollywood film actress Twinkle Khanna is among the high profile Indian and Pakistani figures who have taken to social media to discuss the song.

Many comments also expressed how refreshing it was to see Pakistan in the news for something other than terrorism.
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