How I Lost 20 Pounds in 2.5 Months

Yesterday I laid down some groundwork about the lifelong struggle with my weight.  Today I’m explaining how I lost 20 pounds in 2.5 months.
Let me begin by saying that before I started this program I was miserable.  I felt horrible after meals, especially dinner.  I was a gross, irritable, bloated mess.  I was also tired a lot– taking 1-3 afternoon naps a week.  Basically, I was a toddler.
In May, I purchased the book It Starts With Food by Melissa & Dallas Hartwig.  The hardback version is $13.84 on Amazon.  The Kindle version is $9.99.
If you’re wanting to transition to a clean eating lifestyle this is the book you need to get.  It has everything you need.  Don’t waste your time trying to track down information on websites because it’s free.  Pony up the $13.84 and just buy it
The book covers The Whole30 Challenge, which is basically 30 days of clean eating.  But you don’t have to do only 30 days.  You can do 60, 90, etc.  I’m not going to go into detail about the book, I’ll let you read it yourself.
Whole30 is a stricter form of the paleolithic diet.  You can eat certain meats, vegetables, fruits, and fats.  Here’s the shopping list if you’d like to check out all the foods.  BUT don’t print off the shopping list, get the food, and try the diet without reading the book.  It doesn’t work like that.  You need to read the book first.
The creators of Whole30 also came out with a 30-day guide to Whole30, complete with the science behind the program, step-by-step guide, and recipes.  You can purchase the guide here.

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